Let me tell you about a very cool first that has recently happened around here: my husband’s first book, In Their Own Words: The Major Arcana of the Tarot, has been published! If you’re looking to learn something about the tarot or get a deeper feel for each card, this is the book you need. He’s been studying the tarot for longer than I’ve known him and reading at 13 Magickal Moons in Occoquan, VA for eleven years.
You can order his book here. As always, I ask that if you appreciate a book, please review it on Amazon, Goodreads, etc!
And to answer the inevitable question, there will be more books in this series! Look for the next one next year. And, yes, I am still working on my own books as well. I'll show you the cover of my next book as soon as I have a release date for it!